1 on 1 Shadow Work Coaching

Connect to the deep wisdom of your inner knowing.

Release the programming that blocks you from following your intuition so that you can be guided by your spirit rather than your triggers!

You know that feeling of numbness when you feel like you can’t be your authentic self? Numbing yourself to fit in, to be like everyone else, to feel like you belong.

Maybe it wasn’t safe to be you in the family, in the home you grew up in?

When we deny our magic and do not express ourselves, we feel misunderstood/isolated/lonely. We end up hiding not just from others, but from ourselves. We lose our inner trust in our own intuition. Do you feel like you constantly doubt yourself? Do you ever feel like you’re going crazy?

You’ve had enough of repeating the same patterns - in your relationships, with your family, in your career…

You know it’s time for a change.

You’re ready to become the radically sovereign leader of your own life.

You know that if you want to unlock your full potential - to live with more confidence, clarity, and expansive love - you must look within.

The parts of yourself you’ve spent years doubting are exactly what the world needs right now.

How do I know all this?

Because I’m just like that as well. I’ve dealt with the same continuous self-doubt, pushing my intuition down into the shadows. 

I am here to help you liberate your inner knowing.

I used to live between two worlds. Walking the line between normal reality and what my intuition has always known to be true. I was ashamed to admit so many things that just felt right to me. I would know things without knowing how but feel embarrassed to share them. 

I felt like I couldn’t follow my intuition unless I had a good enough logical reason to trust it.

I let myself ignore my spirit, my heart, and my truth.

I hid my intuition from others. I thought if I was just normal enough I could bring people into my world to see what’s truly possible. To see the magic all around us for themselves. I thought I could be a bridge between what’s normal and magical. But by waiting for others to come along I trapped myself on that bridge. Never fully allowing myself to cross, to be fully me, to create the world for myself I know is possible. Not giving myself permission to step outside the norm. Still trying to belong.

I thought I would be too weird, too different, too much. But now I realize that crossing that bridge, stepping FULLY into my truth, is the only way to lead. Once you step fully into your magic, that is when the world will finally be able to see it. Because you ARE that magic. Stop waiting for everyone else to see the real you. When you embrace who you really are, they’ll see it. 

I’m here to help you unwrap your spiritual gifts that you are not even aware of.

There’s a powerful inner knowing within you and I’m determined to help you unlock and access that wisdom. 

I’ve spent the last six years studying life coaching, breathwork, neurolinguistic programming, emotional intelligence, meditation, and hypnotherapy. It is my job to hold space for you to be with yourself fully in love and to continuously point you back to your inner knowing.

When we have shut down our intuition it can take guidance to learn how to trust again. That is what I am here for.

  • "Jen helped me be more comfortable with who I really am. The real side of me that's not questioning or judging."


  • "I learned how to be grateful for what is. Being immersed in what's happening and letting go of the fear of questioning or self doubt."


  • "Working with Jen helped me create the space for me to step into being the creator of my life. Realizing that there are [more] possibilities."


  • "The thing Jen has given me is my mind has been opened so big so quickly to what this can offer. And since then little magic things keep happening."


  • "I was able to make a deeper connection with myself and look at another possibility besides judging myself. It allows me to have more space for me and for growth when I stop putting myself down. More room to expand."


Shadow Work is the work of radical self-acceptance.

Shadow Work is the journey of forgiving and integrating all the parts of yourself you hide, reject, deny, repress, suppress, resist, and react to.

We do this by bringing the light of unconditional love into these hidden spaces, thereby transmuting them into energy you can use to create with.

Daring to look within you can:

  • Become more loving towards yourself and grow your self-belief

  • Heal your triggers and stop reacting unconsciously

  • Raise your standards and learn to cultivate relationships that feed you emotionally and spiritually

  • Stop the destructive mental chatter and find the inner peace you’ve always craved

  • Break cycles of trauma from this and all other lifetimes

  • Reinvent your sense of self and manifest the life you didn’t think you could have

The shadows are not just the place for the things we are ashamed of, they also hold the gifts that were too amazing and too different to express.

Your deepest inner wisdom also lives in the shadows.

Diving into your inner depths you can:

  • Awaken hidden psychic gifts you shut down as a child

  • Reveal your soul’s calling and what you really came here to do with your life

  • Uncover passions you weren’t allowed to indulge and awaken hidden pleasures

  • Allow the voice of your intuition to blossom and guide you in everything you do

  • Discover your connection to the infinite support that is always there for you

Together we will wake up your unique magic and illuminate the gifts hiding in your shadow.

~Step beyond self-imposed limitations~

~Release self-doubt~

~Stop masking your authentic truth~

~Lead with your inner knowing~

It’s powerful to know you have a special purpose in this world. But first, you must take an honest look in the mirror at the parts of you you’ve been rejecting for so long. Only then can you recognize and have your unique gifts.

With Shadow Work you will uncover:

  • What blocks you from trusting your intuition

  • How to bridge the gap between logic and magic so that you can understand how your magic fits into our logical world and start showing up as the person you want to be instead of hiding parts of yourself

  • How to remember your limitless potential so that you can stop doubting yourself and start showing up to your life with confidence, knowing you are on the right path, and trusting your inner resources

  • That your inner knowing is real and your own wisdom is the key to a fulfilling life

  • How Spirit is always with you to guide you so that you never have to feel alone again and you know that no matter what challenges arise in your life you always have spiritual support to help guide and keep you safe

Without a shadow of a doubt.

“I was able to make a deeper connection with myself and look at another possibility besides judging myself. It allows me to have more space for me and for growth when I stop putting myself down. More room to expand.”


Shadow work sessions break you out of outdated behavioral patterns and reconnect you with your intuitive knowing.

How it works:

  • Shadow Work sessions are 1 on 1 via zoom video conferencing.

    You will receive the link to the session recording after each session.

  • Sessions can be purchased in packages or individually.

  • How many sessions you have is entirely up to your needs and your journey.

    There is always more we can do and Jennifer is here to support you in whatever capacity for however long works for you.

  • Sessions include verbal coaching, self-reflection, and meditation.

  • You may also receive additional exercises, reading, or journaling prompts.

  • Jennifer is available via the Voxer audio messaging app to 1 on 1 Shadow Work clients between sessions.

Your soul has been whispering to you for long enough to seek out other Seekers. To find your aligned tribe who not only sees your magic but invites it all the way to the surface so that you can live from the truth of who you are and shine your light on the world. Without a shadow of a doubt, the fact that you’re reading this is not a coincidence. You called in your tribe, so here I am. 

You’ve been seeking the answers that have been hiding within you all along.


My values

Self trust is the most valuable thing you can have. Without it, you become the leaf in the river, swept this way and that by every current. With it, you become the current, actively directing the creation of your life experience.

Self sovereignty is my mission. It is my role, above all, to empower you to know what you know. 

You are an infinite being who likes to pretend to be limited. There is nothing wrong with your perceived limitations, and I will never buy them as real and true. I will be a stand for your limitless nature and your inherent power to create anything you allow yourself to in this life. 

Everything is a mirror. Everything you experience externally is a reflection of your inner world. Together we will explore the way this inner landscape affects everything you experience as life.

My approach

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~Carl Jung

Self reflection allows us to access the deepest knowing of our inner most self. I will guide you inwards to uncover subconscious beliefs, access inner wisdom, and connect to the divinity that desires to guide you from within. We will release old patterns, address past pain, and do so from a space of total allowance such that every aspect of your being can be received and integrated. 


 My coaching is for you if

You are ready to dive deep and integrate your whole self

You are not afraid to face and release fear shame blame guilt and regret

You are ready to allow spirit to guide every area of your life

You know that you are a co-creator with life

You know that you are an infinite being


 My coaching is not for you if

You expect me to fix or change you

You are not willing to take full responsibility for everything in your life

You are committed to your limitations and smallness

You believe things happen to you against your will and that you have absolutely no say in them


You are not too much. You are not too “out there”. And you’re definitely not too weird or crazy. You belong with the impact drivers, the mission chasers and the change-makers. 

If you are ready to release your limitations and allow spirit to direct your life toward ease, joy, and contribution